Plant Care Tips

Essential Air Plant Care Strategies for Wholesalers

Facebook Instagram Linkedin Envelope Wholesalers play a crucial role in the air plant supply chain, providing retailers and enthusiasts with healthy, vibrant tillandsias. But as any experienced wholesaler knows, maintaining a large inventory of air plants in peak condition requires more than just a green thumb. It demands specific strategies tailored to the unique needs

Essential Air Plant Care Strategies for Wholesalers Read More »

Unraveling Myths and Truths About Tillandsia Care

Facebook Instagram Linkedin Envelope Tillandsias, often referred to as air plants, have sparked numerous myths surrounding their care, leading to confusion about how to keep them healthy and vibrant. Let’s debunk these misconceptions and offer scientifically-backed tips for optimal care of these fascinating plants. Myth 1: “Tillandsias don’t need water” Truth: While Tillandsias can survive

Unraveling Myths and Truths About Tillandsia Care Read More »